Wednesday, June 8, 2011


How does a project-in-waiting differ from a work-in-progress? It's been put wayyyy on the back burner because I'm bored to death of it, and has about an 84% chance of being frogged. Unlike WIPs, which my fingers are itching to touch and work on, PIWs are the neglected half-grown and rotting fruits of my labor. (Now I'm in the mood for a peach...)

Two PIWs that I should work on before starting something else:

This will someday be a cowl. Made with Berroco Comfort- my favorite baby yarn. Washable. Soft. Available in an array of colors. I originally bought these two colors to make a baby blanket for my friend's little one:
After which I had yarn leftover, so I made this adorable baby cardigan for another friend who just had a baby (this is before I sewed buttons on):
...after which I STILL had yarn leftover. So I'm using it up on this cowl until I finish it. Which will happen. Someday. Maybe.
(By the way, the last two pictures were taken with my Droid X camera. Because the program that comes on the Droid X sucks, I downloaded Vignette and have been using that instead lately. It is the only app I've ever paid for, and it was SO worth it. Takes much better pictures.)

PIW number two... my first entrelac experience. Thank you, O'Malley, for chasing after my yarn the minute I placed this on the ground to photograph it. I bought this yarn off of Ebay. I wish I hadn't. It looks like cotton candy throwup. I had no idea what to make with it... so here is an ugly cowl. It will be super warm, though. I enjoy entrelac and picked up on it quickly. Currently the circular needle I started it on is transferred to the aforementioned leftover-baby-yarn cowl. I hope I finish this someday, because I want it to be done and out of my house. Maybe I'll pawn it off on my mom. She'd wear it.

That being said, I'm about to make another hat with the leftover Bernat Roving yarn of yesterday's hat. That will be instantly gratifying, unlike the above projects. WIP turned FO in one evening... that's my jam. And all while watching movies on Netflix Instant Play (a knitter's best friend). I'll probably finish said hat later today, and will perhaps post a photo of it later today as well!


  1. oh man! I totally sit at my computer and watch instant netflix constantly. Last night I watched "Doctor Diaries". a documentary that followed 5 doctors through medical school and then through their 21 year careers. pretty cool.

  2. That sounds really interesting... I'm surprised I haven't seen it in all of my instant play perusing! That one is definitely going to go in my queue.
    Thanks for commenting!
